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Do Warlocks Get Dmg Buffs For Multicleave

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Everything else gets reduced amounts based on the cast time to a minimum of 1.5 seconds which would be just under half what you get from the item. Cast time reductions do not affect this calculation and furthermore, there is also a major reduction if +dmg/healing benefits on spell ranks below level 20. Blizzard why do you do this? Why touch things that aren't broken? Arcane mages are doing mediocre damage, and you want to bring us down more? You can increase mana all you want, but compensate by reducing the cooldown on our mana regen spell. Or debuff fire mages if you have such a hardon for fucking mages. Get a 75% dmg nerf like warlocks did. If they really got nerfed that hard than they deserved it, because if they do the dmg they do now, +75% would be the most OPd class. Find constantly updated Warlock guides from the top performances of the week. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more. Get Plus Get Featured Hero Guides are based on TrueSight data from matches with a verified player or Plus subscriber.

in PVP


I see extreme level of envy in the community of this game. If one Prof seems to be OP, it is being looked at with anger, envy.
Then, Topics of 'nerf X oh dear god it is so OP' grows like the shrooms after rain in countryside.

I propose to stop it. Stop the hate-train of nerfing everything.
Most of MMOs went the nerf path - is this the solution? Ex. WoW has been so pruned, simplified over the years - have it ended up healthy for the game? No. Game is a disaster nowadays (I played it for 8 years straight, now I just can't. When I see Ion's face - new CEO - I want to punch the screen).

Instead of whining prof X is too strong, why don'y you try to play it? Understand the weaknesses and play around these. It may be hard, but that's what skill is. some Profs will be easier to beatdown with particular ones - it is normal, so sometimes you simply should loose (if skill level is similar, which is unmeasurable).

Checking forums also does not seems to be a good idea, there are only whiners here. Hate and inability to overcome better players are leading to forum posts so angries can drop off some of the frustration.

I wanted to play Mesmer, Mirage, style seemed cool to me - checked forums. I got so disencouraged by the hate, I see it ends up in trash can due to the cry on forums before I hit 80.
Then, I checked Weaver - archetype I also like. Again I checked the forums. Again it's on the hate-train. Weaver could also be a bit too hard for me, which actually explains its potential power.
Then I thou.. Scrapper, looks nice- checked forums. Everybody says it is nerfed to the hell. I got disencouraged again.
I created this Engi and I am still not sure which way to go - Scrapper, which is soooo bad according to forums, or Holo, which so sooooo BROKEN OP.

I dunno guys, seems like there is only black and white. OP or trash.
Feels bad to read forums.

I will hesitate in the future to actually enjoy the game, I guess.

Do warlocks get dmg buffs for multi cleave 3


  • edited August 19, 2019

    I don't see why you are comparing to other MMOs as if GW2 is new and has to look elsewhere for balance ideas. It isn't. There has been 7 years of balance, in that time we've had periods of good balance and bad balance and can learn from what worked and didn't. Almost everyone who was here from the start has seen how the introduction of massively overbuffed elite specs resulted in garbage balance, unfun gameplay, and skill deficient players competing higher than they should be due to easy mode builds. We saw it with HoT, we saw it again with PoF. Power creeped specs destroy balance and dumb down gameplay.
    Also, it seems like you aren't level 80 yet, but you're swapping classes because what people on the sPvP forum say? Play whatever class is fun dude. I can guarantee you right now there isn't a single class that does not have a viable-in-ranked build.

  • Yo, i cant agree with the title in any inch. 'If everything is OP, then nothing is OP' is even more unhealthy than nerfcraft. If we would focus on buffs instead of nerfs we would end in a place where every duel woud look like one-shot build vs one-shot build and first one attack without enemy dodge ends as 'gg, wp, l2p'.

    I agree that forums are overloaded with q_q threads made most likely by whiny kids or people that suspect mindless spamming skills will make em gods of the game. Latest 'weaver op, pls nerf' thread was imo the best example of that. I also agree that BfA WoW is trash, long time ago it used to be good, skill-based game, nowadays you need only one hand, 5 buttons on action bar and you can call yourself Rank 1.

    But speaking of gw2, sure If u test in-game class called by every1 'op', see what makes it 'op', this will improve your gameplay for sure. But it wont change the fact that you need to dodge everything, hit all your skills and most likely still lose MU or at best end as a draw while your opponent can just roll over keyboard with neighbour cat. Seems fun? I dont think so.

    Id say play whatever you want and makes you enjoy the game and dont care about forums. Mirage? Nerfed many times, but also ressurected same amount of times, theres always a way. Weaver? As a Weaver main I can tell you its perfectly fine, hard because of pianist gameplay, but still ok. Scrapper? Nerfed, but boi, it deserved nerf, maybe not so big, but surely did. Holo? Yes, broken, but ANet wont 'fix' it any time soon, so just enjoy if u like it.

    Perfect balance doesnt exist, but as proper functioning dev team, ANet should constantly look what needs a nerf and what needs a buff. As we all know, they have no idea how PvP works so its kinda hard to show em what's malfunctioning, if they read right forum threads and nerf OP things, its good, but if not..well, happens lol.

    Dont mind me, I just randomly spam 35 skill-buttons

  • @Derm.4932 said:
    Also, it seems like you aren't level 80 yet, but you're swapping classes because what people on the sPvP forum say? Play whatever class is fun dude. I can guarantee you right now there isn't a single class that does not have a viable-in-ranked build.

    I am reading before I play, because I am getting attached to what I play.
    If majority of posts about, let's say Scrapper, says that it's bad - I am being disencouraged. It is basic behaviour and it is correct behaviour.
    I am not looking for the meta, because I am not meta player. I just want my character to feel fine - not bad, not op. I am afraid of OP state as from experience in gaming I saw overnerfing as pretty common action in such cases.

    @Widmo.3186 said:
    Yo, i cant agree with the title in any inch. 'If everything is OP, then nothing is OP' is even more unhealthy than nerfcraft. If we would focus on buffs instead of nerfs we would end in a place where every duel woud look like one-shot build vs one-shot build and first one attack without enemy dodge ends as 'gg, wp, l2p'.
    I agree that forums are overloaded with q_q threads made most likely by whiny kids or people that suspect mindless spamming skills will make em gods of the game. Latest 'weaver op, pls nerf' thread was imo the best example of that. I also agree that BfA WoW is trash, long time ago it used to be good, skill-based game, nowadays you need only one hand, 5 buttons on action bar and you can call yourself Rank 1.

    But speaking of gw2, sure If u test in-game class called by every1 'op', see what makes it 'op', this will improve your gameplay for sure. But it wont change the fact that you need to dodge everything, hit all your skills and most likely still lose MU or at best end as a draw while your opponent can just roll over keyboard with neighbour cat. Seems fun? I dont think so.

    Id say play whatever you want and makes you enjoy the game and dont care about forums. Mirage? Nerfed many times, but also ressurected same amount of times, theres always a way. Weaver? As a Weaver main I can tell you its perfectly fine, hard because of pianist gameplay, but still ok. Scrapper? Nerfed, but boi, it deserved nerf, maybe not so big, but surely did. Holo? Yes, broken, but ANet wont 'fix' it any time soon, so just enjoy if u like it.

    Perfect balance doesnt exist, but as proper functioning dev team, ANet should constantly look what needs a nerf and what needs a buff. As we all know, they have no idea how PvP works so its kinda hard to show em what's malfunctioning, if they read right forum threads and nerf OP things, its good, but if not..well, happens lol.

    Thank you for that reply. Like you noticed, I am not experienced in GW2, so my fears from games I actually played applied here. Reading forums confirmed my fears so here we are.
    You made me believe in the Dev team of GW2 to some degree now. I am still sceptical, but less.

  • -anet has promoted spammy brain dead low counter play builds for too long resulting in a player base that refuse to learn how to fight other builds that they find difficult to fight. If a build kills them or isn't a easy target its OP in their eyes.
    - if a class, even one considered weak gets a buff in any area even if it's a meager slight buff nerf cries stating the class/spec is now op will flood the forums. Most times builds have barely changed and has same viability it has had for yrs but now it's being used a bit more so that adds to the OP cries. Weaver got a few buffs but nothing crazy and now their op. Thief got poison traitt n its condi line that allows poison application on all weapons not just dagger but no increase in stacks really other than more reliable application and now its op. Poison field from sbow was usually ignored by opponents due to it being of little threat(real fun way for a skill to be) but now there's people stating its OP now simply cuz thief can stack poison now reliable and can pose a threat,oh nooooo.
    - there are builds and specs like halo that do need shaves as they can do too much of everything and be great at it and some of the players fotm holo are actually calling thing OP on other classes which is halarious. It's never ending.

  • @Psycoprophet.8107 said:
    -anet has promoted spammy brain dead low counter play builds for too long resulting in a player base that refuse to learn how to fight other builds that they find difficult to fight. If a build kills them or isn't a easy target its OP in their eyes.
    - if a class, even one considered weak gets a buff in any area even if it's a meager slight buff nerf cries stating the class/spec is now op will flood the forums. Most times builds have barely changed and has same viability it has had for yrs but now it's being used a bit more so that adds to the OP cries. Weaver got a few buffs but nothing crazy and now their op. Thief got poison traitt n its condi line that allows poison application on all weapons not just dagger but no increase in stacks really other than more reliable application and now its op. Poison field from sbow was usually ignored by opponents due to it being of little threat(real fun way for a skill to be) but now there's people stating its OP now simply cuz thief can stack poison now reliable and can pose a threat,oh nooooo.
    - there are builds and specs like halo that do need shaves as they can do too much of everything and be great at it and some of the players fotm holo are actually calling thing OP on other classes which is halarious. It's never ending.

    Yup, reading forums is pointless and disencouraging to even play the game.
    Luckily I saw some posts about Devs ignoring forums, so I guess it has its ups..

  • edited August 19, 2019

    This is just so hilariously oblivious of what is going on. GW2 needs major nerfs to fix the gameplay. Arms race balancing never works; it's how we arrived at the current bad state. Buffing more will do nothing but give more instant kill builds and more automated full defenses. None of that is fun. And complaonts against weaver and condi thief are totally legit: these bulls just aren't fun to play against because they evade for days.

    WoW's ability pruning was actually a very good thing. It had too many niche abilities and the classes were too similar. And I've played multiple classes there to see the good and bad. Where WoW went wrong is making ability use too formulaic and basic; there weren't enough interesting short cooldown (~20sec) abilities to break up the monotony and give some agency. In BfA, some of those were even removed. Completely different issue from GW2, but one to be aware of when making nerfs.

  • edited August 19, 2019

    @Exedore.6320 said:
    This is just so hilariously oblivious of what is going on. GW2 needs major nerfs to fix the gameplay. Arms race balancing never works; it's how we arrived at the current bad state. Buffing more will do nothing but give more instant kill builds and more automated full defenses. None of that is fun. And complaonts against weaver and condi thief are totally legit: these bulls just aren't fun to play against because they evade for days.

    WoW's ability pruning was actually a very good thing. It had too many niche abilities and the classes were too similar. And I've played multiple classes there to see the good and bad. Where WoW went wrong is making ability use too formulaic and basic; there weren't enough interesting short cooldown (~20sec) abilities to break up the monotony and give some agency. In BfA, some of those were even removed. Completely different issue from GW2, but one to be aware of when making nerfs.

    Ur right the game had been powercrept to far. Problem is classes that are the worst offenders usually get slight shaves while other classes that are struggling get builds destroyed. For example u have classes like holo,SB ,GB,scourge and slb that have been overperforming for yrs and alot of players jump to those because it's common knowledge as to how powerful they are. Ele who had been on weak side for a long while now got some slight buffs now players from those mentioned classes are calling for ele nerfs. Some classes got some slight shaves and now anything that wasnt a threat before is a bit of one now and are getting threads calling them op. Another example is the poison trait in DA. It's no stronger than any condo traits in an other classes condi line but because few classes got a shave slightly and now the poison trate is somewhat effective its op.
    Slb is still very strong but players claimed it was destroyed be the recent nerfs yet it's still very strong unlike druid. The list goes on. This game does need a lot of de-powercreep across its classes but anet has to have a vision for itself and balance classes to its vision cuz for the most part gw2 has a playerbase u definitely shouldn't listen to for balance cuz it's so incredibly biased towards their own class and the fact anything that challenges them is op yet the build they're using has little counter play but is fine. balance would be a even greater mess than what we have now.

  • @Exedore.6320 said:
    WoW's ability pruning was actually a very good thing. It had too many niche abilities and the classes were too similar. And I've played multiple classes there to see the good and bad. Where WoW went wrong is making ability use too formulaic and basic; there weren't enough interesting short cooldown (~20sec) abilities to break up the monotony and give some agency. In BfA, some of those were even removed. Completely different issue from GW2, but one to be aware of when making nerfs.


    I disagree on that part.
    In GW2, where you can dodge anything, burst-combo is the way fights are being decided. If you want to prolong fights, which are pretty long anyway, do take dodge mechanic into consideration.
    Although, If you say the Buff path was here for some time, nerfs won't hurt I guess. I need to believe you first though.

  • edited August 20, 2019

    @Greyjoy.5167 said:

    I see extreme level of envy in the community of this game. If one Prof seems to be OP, it is being looked at with anger, envy.
    Then, Topics of 'nerf X oh dear god it is so OP' grows like the shrooms after rain in countryside.

    I propose to stop it. Stop the hate-train of nerfing everything.
    Most of MMOs went the nerf path - is this the solution? Ex. WoW has been so pruned, simplified over the years - have it ended up healthy for the game? No. Game is a disaster nowadays (I played it for 8 years straight, now I just can't. When I see Ion's face - new CEO - I want to punch the screen).

    Instead of whining prof X is too strong, why don'y you try to play it? Understand the weaknesses and play around these. It may be hard, but that's what skill is. some Profs will be easier to beatdown with particular ones - it is normal, so sometimes you simply should loose (if skill level is similar, which is unmeasurable).

    Checking forums also does not seems to be a good idea, there are only whiners here. Hate and inability to overcome better players are leading to forum posts so angries can drop off some of the frustration.

    I wanted to play Mesmer, Mirage, style seemed cool to me - checked forums. I got so disencouraged by the hate, I see it ends up in trash can due to the cry on forums before I hit 80.
    Then, I checked Weaver - archetype I also like. Again I checked the forums. Again it's on the hate-train. Weaver could also be a bit too hard for me, which actually explains its potential power.
    Then I thou.. Scrapper, looks nice- checked forums. Everybody says it is nerfed to the hell. I got disencouraged again.
    I created this Engi and I am still not sure which way to go - Scrapper, which is soooo bad according to forums, or Holo, which so sooooo BROKEN OP.

    I dunno guys, seems like there is only black and white. OP or trash.
    Feels bad to read forums.

    I will hesitate in the future to actually enjoy the game, I guess.

    I agree in so far that there is a tendency to nerf what makes a class special and this is not good I quit LoL because of this they nerfed every char until they were roughly the same expect naturally the new ones.

    On the other hand nerfs are necessary when the build is really broken but Arena NT often over do this I think the reason is Arena NT doesn't do most nerfs in one go which is good but they stick to their plan even when its shown the nerfs was already good enough. Basically I have the impression they work with the meta from 3 months before. I can only speculate it is possible they use metric and they say those classes have still high winning rates. Problem is this is only naturally the pros will stick the the last OP build even when its nerfed recently so the result has not necessary to do how the class really works ATM.

    The only way to check this is going into the field and test it for yourself also the wining is sometimes absolute nuts in the forum e.g Weaver isn't OP in an form in pvp.
    Also I personal loves to stick TO a class and learn it problem is when through overbalancing a class becomes not viable any more e.g. DPS Staff Tempest in PvE

  • Te lazla otstra.
    List of skill and trait boon rip priority.

  • edited August 19, 2019

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:
    unused things should get buffed.

    This is true also but as soon as they receive a buff and are seeing use more often players will cry OP.

  • There is a need to bring down a notch the powercreep brought to the game since HoT. How can ANet do that by buffing things instead of nerfing them?
    It's not that I don't agree that some people should first try to adapt their builds to counter the nemesis for which they beg for nerfs, but, there is still a need to bring down the powercreep.

  • @Exedore.6320 said:
    This is just so hilariously oblivious of what is going on. GW2 needs major nerfs to fix the gameplay. Arms race balancing never works; it's how we arrived at the current bad state. Buffing more will do nothing but give more instant kill builds and more automated full defenses. None of that is fun. And complaonts against weaver and condi thief are totally legit: these bulls just aren't fun to play against because they evade for days.

    WoW's ability pruning was actually a very good thing. It had too many niche abilities and the classes were too similar. And I've played multiple classes there to see the good and bad. Where WoW went wrong is making ability use too formulaic and basic; there weren't enough interesting short cooldown (~20sec) abilities to break up the monotony and give some agency. In BfA, some of those were even removed. Completely different issue from GW2, but one to be aware of when making nerfs.

    You must have not played WOW at all, because they over pruned casters and took away mobility from many casters. Just look at warlocks how they got nerfed hardcore over and over just like (necromancers in GW) mobility? gutted. The removal and gutting of mobility made them forced to tank and have to have massive tanking to survive.

    I'm sorry but that's a terrible example.

    Here is my list of characters i got so far:

    Elementalist 80 with tempest:Talman nul
    Necromancer 80 with reaper:Zex vokar
    Mesmer level 80 no chrono yet:Klanga voosh.
    Level 80 Ranger with druid spec Jedkhan.

  • I would agree with you only if classes were underpowered, which isn't the case at all. Look for videos on yt from the beginning of GW2 around 2012~2013 and see what was the combat back then and compare it to todays 'skillful gameplay' aka rolling face on keyboard and getting free shinies. Back in the day 10k Backstab was already far too high damage for engage from stealth skill, but currently you can see 15k+ every few seconds, that's unacceptable. All classes need a serious nerfs or even a nuke from orbit. HoT and PoF damaged game a lot with it's powercreep, you may think that you can solve everything with famous 'l2p' or 'just adapt lol', but there is a limit to that and simply you still won't be able to beat xyz.
    Buffing classes won't solve a thing, it'll make things even worse and even more people will quit this game for good.
    Play whatever you want, after all at some point you'll use more or less every spec and class available in game for specific reasons.
    The only truly 'underpowered' speces are the core ones like Engineer, Necromancer, Elementalist, etc., all of HoT and PoF are much better and stronger, even if people write stuff like: 'Scrapper/Mirage/Chronomancer/Berserker/WhateverHoTorPoFspec are nerfed to the ground and unplayable' is a lie, all of them are powercrept, some of them simply are overshadowed by stronger options and thats all.

  • edited August 19, 2019

    @TrollingDemigod.3041 said:
    I would agree with you only if classes were underpowered, which isn't the case at all. Look for videos on yt from the beginning of GW2 around 2012~2013 and see what was the combat back then and compare it to todays 'skillful gameplay' aka rolling face on keyboard and getting free shinies. Back in the day 10k Backstab was already far too high damage for engage from stealth skill, but currently you can see 15k+ every few seconds, that's unacceptable. All classes need a serious nerfs or even a nuke from orbit. HoT and PoF damaged game a lot with it's powercreep, you may think that you can solve everything with famous 'l2p' or 'just adapt lol', but there is a limit to that and simply you still won't be able to beat xyz.
    Buffing classes won't solve a thing, it'll make things even worse and even more people will quit this game for good.
    Play whatever you want, after all at some point you'll use more or less every spec and class available in game for specific reasons.
    The only truly 'underpowered' speces are the core ones like Engineer, Necromancer, Elementalist, etc., all of HoT and PoF are much better and stronger, even if people write stuff like: 'Scrapper/Mirage/Chronomancer/Berserker/WhateverHoTorPoFspec are nerfed to the ground and unplayable' is a lie, all of them are powercrept, some of them simply are overshadowed by stronger options and thats all.

    Yikes, what a truth-bomb.
    He is right tho.

    Also, Plat 1 and even Plat 2 isn't hard to get to on any class tbh.
    Some classes obviously have more viable builds or builds that rank higher in terms of the meta-tier..but frankly, if you are good enough, you can pretty much make anything work at a semi-decent level.

    So don't get discouraged by what the forums say. 'LiTErAlLY UnPlAYabLE' for these forums basically means, that something got its dmg cut by 10-15% percent.
    This community is full of drama-queens who got accustomed to get carried by powercrept 1-shot-shenanigans (preferably with as little counterplay to it as possible).
    On that note...keep swinging that hammer ANet :thumbsup:

  • edited August 20, 2019

    @Axl.8924 said:
    You must have not played WOW at all, because they over pruned casters and took away mobility from many casters. Just look at warlocks how they got nerfed hardcore over and over just like (necromancers in GW) mobility? gutted. The removal and gutting of mobility made them forced to tank and have to have massive tanking to survive.

    I'm sorry but that's a terrible example.

    Or you haven't. I played classic through WotLK, end of Cata, end of WoD into start of Legion. I did BfA pre-patch on PTR. In Legion I tried all 3 paladin specs, holy and disc priest, Blood DK, and a little bit of ele shaman (got bored of brainless daily quests by then).

    The majority of the pruned classes were far better, and you never really missed most of the removed abilities. 15 buttons worked just as well as 30. The few failed specs were the ones where players lacked agency or the highlighted abilities weren't engaging. For example, I hated how holy priest in Legion focused so heavily on Prayer of Mending, an ability over which you have limited control. Generally speaking though, the only people who objected were the ones who enjoy whack-a-mole - hitting the ability that lights up semi-randomly in some kind of priority order.

    Now if you're talking some of the BfA screw-ups, that's a different story. That was a failure to tune abilities after the removal of artifact traits and the removal of the wrong abilities - ones which gave agency. That's a bit problem with WoW IMO. You have 1.5-2min (or higher) cooldowns where you throw everything into a 20sec window and the rest is just monotony. It needs more soft skill in the abilities to make their usage a bit more dynamic. A good example of bad removal choices was the removal the shaman ability that let them quickly re-position on a 20-30sec CD.

  • @Dadnir.5038 said:
    There is a need to bring down a notch the powercreep brought to the game since HoT. How can ANet do that by buffing things instead of nerfing them?
    It's not that I don't agree that some people should first try to adapt their builds to counter the nemesis for which they beg for nerfs, but, there is still a need to bring down the powercreep.

    'Since HoT' is an over-simplification though. The game was in a very good state of balance right before PoF came out. Any HoT classes that have been problematic after that point have also been buffed after that, or the meta shifted to give them space like in Herald's case(the OH Sword rework had a part in that too).

  • edited August 20, 2019

    @edit: removed first sentence of my comment since op was talking about WoW, which I misunderstood. Rest still holds.

    Anet straight up buffed the hell out of the classes over the years, especially with every new expansion. Pre-PoF was much better sPvP balance-wise (even thief was viable for some period during HoT and not just because of shortbow#5), vanilla was even better and that's not just rose-colored glasses. I remember a time when 10k full bersi thief backstab crit was 'ermagerd op dmg, plz nerf q_q'.
    And now 10k are more like 1 or 2 autoattacks for most builds. Keep in mind that we didn't get hp or toughness buff, quite the opposite, sPvP has become a big aoe condi spam, at least teamfights. So we have not only WAY higher direct damage but we now also have constant (pretty much) unavoidable damage just lying around.

    Unless Anet nerfs ALL the classes and especially elite-specs to pre-HoT power level I don't really see how this game could be balanced at all.
    I know a lot of people just straight up HATE getting a nerf to their main class but keep on the power creep and sPvP is dead before the new expansion drops. And if it's not dead until then, then the new elite specs will probably be the final nail in the coffin.

  • edited August 20, 2019

    @DoomNexus.5324 said:

    @Greyjoy.5167 said:
    (I played it for 8 years straight, now I just can't. When I see Ion's face - new CEO - I want to punch the screen).

    I really can't believe you tbh and not only due to the fact that GW2 is just 7 years old (those pesky details) but more importantly because Anet straight up buffed the hell out of the classes over the years, especially with every new expansion. Pre-PoF was much better sPvP balance-wise (even thief was viable for some period during HoT and not just because of shortbow#5), vanilla was even better and that's not just rose-colored glasses. I remember a time when 10k full bersi thief backstab crit was 'ermagerd op dmg, plz nerf q_q'.
    And now 10k are more like 1 or 2 autoattacks for most builds. Keep in mind that we didn't get hp or toughness buff, quite the opposite, sPvP has become a big aoe condi spam, at least teamfights. So we have not only WAY higher direct damage but we now also have constant (pretty much) unavoidable damage just lying around.

    Unless Anet nerfs ALL the classes and especially elite-specs to pre-HoT power level I don't really see how this game could be balanced at all.
    I know a lot of people just straight up HATE getting a nerf to their main class but keep on the power creep and sPvP is dead before the new expansion drops. And if it's not dead until then, then the new elite specs will probably be the final nail in the coffin.

    If you would read my post, you would know I was referring to WoW in the sentence you quoted. Busted.
    Therefore, I stopped reading yours as it is most likely just ignorance.

  • @Yannir.4132 said:

    @Dadnir.5038 said:
    There is a need to bring down a notch the powercreep brought to the game since HoT. How can ANet do that by buffing things instead of nerfing them?
    It's not that I don't agree that some people should first try to adapt their builds to counter the nemesis for which they beg for nerfs, but, there is still a need to bring down the powercreep.

    'Since HoT' is an over-simplification though. The game was in a very good state of balance right before PoF came out. Any HoT classes that have been problematic after that point have also been buffed after that, or the meta shifted to give them space like in Herald's case(the OH Sword rework had a part in that too).

    You really believe core and elite specs were balance just before PoF? Nope, certainly not. The powercreep was already there even if the pool of elite professions felt like they were in a state of general balance. HoT introduced elite specializations that felt 'mandatory' to take for most of the professions, this is what I'm refering to when I say 'since HoT'.

  • edited August 20, 2019

    I can play a game with terrible balance as long as it's fun, WoW was a perfect example of this. Its never been balanced but classes were fun gameplay wise and at its peak in wotlk / MoP then drastically ruined in the following xpacs so toddlers could play the game using 1 hand. Esports movement favoring 'balance' over fun and complexity, same as GW2.

    Apple Footer.This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. Ibook author dmg software. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the efficacy of any proposed solutions on the community forums.

    They needed to focus on fun and killing toxic gameplays that simply aren't enjoyable to fight regardless of their power lvls. And now there is no where else to go other than MOBA. You can play WoW and pvp is literally just pve rotatioin hitting a healer for hours while their health doesn't move an inch or they heal to full in 1 spell. Play GW2 where pretty much everything is toxic and unfun to fight unless you play those unfun to fight builds.

    This game is pve first and foremost with 0 regard for pvp , it shows with all the stupid cheese pve specs that always pop up in pvp. Why you think people hate mesmer so much, its not just the dmg they do, its how cancer they are gameplay wise. And these builds are an endless constant, now it's DD condi, what will come next after that is nerfed into oblivion ? Another equally toxic build guaranteed. It was too late for this game years ago when they refuse more modes and ignore how unhealthy some builds are for peoples sanity. They just need to support GW1 for real pvp.

  • @Exedore.6320 said:

    @Axl.8924 said:
    You must have not played WOW at all, because they over pruned casters and took away mobility from many casters. Just look at warlocks how they got nerfed hardcore over and over just like (necromancers in GW) mobility? gutted. The removal and gutting of mobility made them forced to tank and have to have massive tanking to survive.

    I'm sorry but that's a terrible example.

    Or you haven't. I played classic through WotLK, end of Cata, end of WoD into start of Legion. I did BfA pre-patch on PTR. In Legion I tried all 3 paladin specs, holy and disc priest, Blood DK, and a little bit of ele shaman (got bored of brainless daily quests by then).

    The majority of the pruned classes were far better, and you never really missed most of the removed abilities. 15 buttons worked just as well as 30. The few failed specs were the ones where players lacked agency or the highlighted abilities weren't engaging. For example, I hated how holy priest in Legion focused so heavily on Prayer of Mending, an ability over which you have limited control. Generally speaking though, the only people who objected were the ones who enjoy whack-a-mole - hitting the ability that lights up semi-randomly in some kind of priority order.

    Now if you're talking some of the BfA screw-ups, that's a different story. That was a failure to tune abilities after the removal of artifact traits and the removal of the wrong abilities - ones which gave agency. That's a bit problem with WoW IMO. You have 1.5-2min (or higher) cooldowns where you throw everything into a 20sec window and the rest is just monotony. It needs more soft skill in the abilities to make their usage a bit more dynamic. A good example of bad removal choices was the removal the shaman ability that let them quickly re-position on a 20-30sec CD.

    Im talking about the removal of mobility don't tell me removing mobility from casters and making them hardcast while standing still being a turret is a good design.
    Also some of the stuff taken out dumbed down classes.

    The bfa changes was also ridiculous.

    Here is my list of characters i got so far:

    Elementalist 80 with tempest:Talman nul
    Necromancer 80 with reaper:Zex vokar
    Mesmer level 80 no chrono yet:Klanga voosh.
    Level 80 Ranger with druid spec Jedkhan.

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Do Warlocks Get Dmg Buffs For Multi Cleave 3

Powerful binding abilitiesDestiny 2 returns with the trio of classes from the first installment: Titan, Warlock, and Hunter. In this article, we're going to go over the Hunter in-depth. Here's our definitive guide to the class, as well as some tips and suggestions.

Warlocks made a return in Destiny 2, allowing players to control the battlefield using a number of powerful and unique abilities. You could consider Warlocks to be the mages of Destiny 2, while Titans and Hunters are tanks and rogues, respectively. They're also pinned as the support pillar of any fire strike team. Warlocks don't go running in to soak up damage, but instead, offer supportive firepower and team buffs.

Basic abilities

Rift types:

  • Healing Rift: Conjure a well of Light that continually heals those inside it.
  • Empowering Rift: Conjure a well of Light that increases weapon damage for those inside it.


In Destiny 2, three subclasses are available to the Warlock class — Dawnblade, Stormcaller, and Voidwalker. Each offers their own unique strengths and weaknesses, as well as abilities, both regular and super, exclusive to that subclass. On top of that, each subclass also has two available skill trees that further increase a number of playstyles you can adopt.


Have you ever desired to be transformed into burning flames with the ability to shoot sizzling hot blades from your weapon? If so, then the Dawnblade subclass is for you. This class of the Warlock allows you to get up close and personal to enemies and set them ablaze or keep one's distance and take full advantage of mid-flight fighting capabilities.

Super Ability:

  • Daybreak: Weave Solar Light into blades and smite your foes from the skies.

Jump types:

  • Strafe Glide: Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with string directional control.
  • Burst Glide: Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.
  • Balanced Glide: Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with both moderate speed and directional control.

Grenede abilities:

  • Solar Grenade: A grenade that creates a flare of Solar Light that continuously damages enemies trapped inside.
  • Firebolt Grenade: A grenade that unleashes bolts of Solar Light at nearby enemies.
  • Fusion Grenade: An explosive grenade that deals bonus damage when it attaches to a target.

Attunement of Sky skill tree abilities:

  • Heat Rises: Airborne kills recharge your Grenade and Melee energy. Casting Daybreak instantly refills all your ability energy.
  • Winged Sun: Engage your enemies mid-flight. Fire weapons and throw grenades while gliding. Icarus Dash: Press 'B, B' while in midair to dodge.
  • Swift Striker: Strike an enemy with this Melee Ability to burn your target and temporarily increase your movement and reload speed.

Attunement of Flame skill tree abilities:

Do Warlocks Get Dmg Buffs For Multi Cleave Women

  • Igniting Touch: Strike an enemy with this melee ability to burn them and cause them to explode when killed.
  • Phoenix Dive: Hold 'B' while in midair to quickly descend and restore your health. While Daybreak is active, Descend cause explosive damage. Everlasting Flame: Killing an enemy with Daybreak extends its duration.
  • Fated for the Flame: Daybreak projectiles seek targets as they travel and, upon impact, launch a streak of deadly flames.


This is the go-to subclass for Warlocks who are down for some solo action for an hour or two. Sporting healing abilities that drain the life from foes, it's a well-rounded skill tree that sacrifices some of the support aspects of this class for extra damage. And the Nova Bomb is amazing to unleash for massive splash damage.

Super Ability:

  • Nova Bomb: Hurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at the enemy, disintegrating those caught within its blast.

Jump types:

  • Strafe Glide: Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with string directional control.
  • Blink: Jump while airborne to teleport a short distance.
  • Burst Glide: Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.

Grenade abilities:

  • Vortex Grenade: A grenade that creates a vortex which continually damages enemies trapped inside.
  • Axion Bolt: A bolt of Void Light that forks into smaller bolts on impact that seek out enemies.
  • Scatter Grenade: A grenade that splits into many submunitions and covers a large area with multiple explosions.

Attunement of Chaos skill tree abilities:

  • Bloom: Void ability kills cause enemies to explode.
  • Chaos Accelerant: Hold 'LB' draw power from your Super to overcharge your grenade, making it deadlier and more effective.
  • Cataclysm: Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks enemies. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles. Fire your weapon at the Nova Bomb to detonate it early.
  • Entropic Pull: Strike an enemy with this Melee Ability to drain your enemy's life force and use it to recharge your grenade.

Attunement of Hunger skill tree abilities:

  • Devour: Kill an enemy with this melee ability to fully regenerate your health. For a short time afterward, kills restore additional health.
  • Feed The Void: Hold 'LB' to consume your grenade energy to regenerate your health. Grants the Devour effect.
  • Insatiable: While the Devour effect is active, killing enemies extends its duration and recharges your grenade.
  • Vortex: Nova Bomb creates a singularity which continually damages enemies trapped inside.


When things go south, it's time to bring in a little electricity. The Stormcaller subclass for Warlocks allows one to float across the battlefield spewing lightning from their fingertips. As a supporting subclass, you'll also find your Rift ability regenerating faster while allies are nearby, should you lock in specific passive skills.

Super Ability:

  • Stormtrance: While active, Stormtrance allows a Stormcaller to float across the battlefield, electrocuting and disintegrating foe after foe.

Jump types:

  • Controlled Glide: Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with string directional control.
  • Burst Glide: Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.
  • Balanced Glide: Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with both moderate speed and directional control.

Grenade abilities:

  • Arcbolt Grenade: chains bolts of lightning to nearby enemies.
  • Pulse Grenade: periodically damages enemies inside its explosion radius.
  • Storm Grenade: calls down a focused lightning storm.

Attunement of Ions skill tree abilities:

  • Chain Lightning: Deliver an electrocuting Arc melee strike at extended range that chains from the struck target to another enemy nearby.
  • Transcendence: When cast with full grenade and melee energy, Stormtrance lasts longer and fully restores health.
  • Arc Web: Enemies Damaged by your grenades chain deadly lightning to nearby enemies.
  • Ionic Blink: Press the Sprint button to teleport during Stormtrance.

Attunement of the Elements skill tree abilities:

  • Gale Force: This electrocuting Melee Ability hits at extended range and recharges your Super, grenade, and melee energy.
  • Landfall: On casting Stormtrance, fire a bolt of lightning into the ground, creating a devastating shockwave under you.
  • Rising Storm: Your Rift charges faster when allies are near.
  • Arc Soul: Your Rift now grants you or any ally who uses it an Arc Soul to aid you in battle.


To help guide you in picking a direction to go with when you're playing as a Warlock, we've come up with three types of builds (one for each subclass) to give you an example of how you can find success.

Dawnblade: Flaming Bullet

  • Movement ability: Strafe Glide
  • Grenade ability: Solar Grenade
  • Rift ability: Healing Rift
  • Skill path: Attunement of Sky
  • Kinetic weapon: Scout Rifle
  • Energy weapon: Hand Cannon
  • Heavy weapon: Sniper Rifle

With the 'Flaming Bullet' build, and as a Dawnblade Warlock, you're going to need to be accurate with your shots to get the most out of this setup. With the Wings of Sacred Dawn, you'll be suspended in the air for a long time while aiming down a sight so make each shot count before hitting the ground (precision hits extend the duration further). With the Winged Sun passive, you'll want to do most of your shooting airborne, especially when melee mobs are coming for your face.

For when you land you'll be up close and personal, which is where Swift Strike comes into play. Smashing a mob will not only set it alight but also increase your movement and reload speed. It's always (quite literally) a blast and efficient use of skills when bashing something as you come in for a perfect landing. Lastly, when all fails or you're about to fall, activate Daybreak and you'll instantly replenish all abilities. Nice!

Voidcaller: Exiled Tank

  • Movement ability: Blink
  • Grenade ability: Vortex Grenade
  • Rift ability: Empowering Rift
  • Skill path: Attunement of Hunger
  • Kinetic weapon: Scout Rifle/Hand Cannon
  • Energy weapon: Submachine Gun
  • Heavy weapon: Sword

The 'Exiled Tank' takes the Warlock class and turns it into a living (and breathing) tank that can soak up some serious damage. This is arguably one of the strongest builds in Destiny 2. Within the Voidcaller subclass is the Attunement of Hunger. This is what you'll be relying on. Taking Blink as your movement ability, you're able to quickly relocated into a group of mobs, which is where the fun begins. Before running in, however, you'll want to consume your grenade to grant the devour buff.

With this buff active, all kills made before the effect wears off restore health. But that's not all, with the insatiable passive running alongside devour all kills now also extends the duration of the buff and even recharges your grenade. The submachine gun is ideal for hitting numerous mobs in closer quarters, while a scout rifle will lend a hand for any stragglers at a distance, or for when you mess up and lose the devour buff.

It's best to save your melee ability for when you are in a tight spot and need to have to devour activated again, which allows you to store two means of activating the effect in combat: grenade and melee. There's also no point taking the healing rift since we'll handle our own regeneration, but you could do so to lay the rift down for teammates before leaping into a mob. Unfortunately, this build relies on there being more than one enemy every nine seconds (before the effect wears off) and for bosses, you may find it a little tough to get cocky.

Stormcaller: Thor's Cousin

  • Movement ability: Balanced Glide
  • Grenade ability: Arcbolt Grenade
  • Rift ability: Healing Rift
  • Skill path: Attunement of Elements
  • Kinetic weapon: Scout Rifle/Hand Cannon
  • Energy weapon: Hand Cannon
  • Heavy weapon: Rocket Launcher

'Thor's Cousin' is a stunning PvE (Player vs. Environment) build that relies on one's relation to the hammer wielder himself. For this build, it's highly recommended you acquire the Crown of Tempests exotic helmet, which significantly increases ability cooldowns with ability kills. The aim of the game is to have your super ability running for as long as possible. And who doesn't want to channel lightning from their fingertips for extended periods of time?

The passives offered by Attuning to the Elements allow for the use of both grenade and melee (as well as the healing rift if you desire) to enter into Stormtrance and have all three abilities recharged from kills while in super form. As an added bonus, should you be tackling hordes of trash mobs, your friendly Arc Soul will also proc (activate) Crown Tempests' passive to recharge your abilities.

The result is an incredibly powerful build that allows for some serious damage to be applied. I personally enjoy gliding around with a dual hand cannon loadout and a rocket launcher for the big mobs.

Tips and tricks

We're going to round this guide out with four tips and tricks that will help every Hunter find success.

Do Warlocks Get Dmg Buffs For Multi Cleave House

  • Don't forget to heal or buff. Warlocks are a support-like class and have an amazing Rift ability. Just remember to use it in the heat of battle as that extra few hit points or points of damage can really make a difference.
  • You can fly. Kind of. As well as being able to double-jump, Warlocks can also glide and sometimes even pick up passive abilities that allow them to more efficiently deal damage while airborne.
  • Use cover on cooldown. As you wait for abilities to recharge (or for mobs to poke around the corner for a solid melee blast) take full advantage of available cover offered by the terrain.
  • Keep on movin'. There's literally no reason to stand still in Destiny 2, regardless of which class you play, but as a Warlock you'll want to pay extra care with positioning as it can be real easy to be overwhelmed.

Destiny 2 is available now on Xbox One and PS4 for $59.99.

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