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Gnar Build Dmg Or Tank

Gnar Build Dmg Or Tank Average ratng: 8,4/10 2242 reviews
  1. Gnar Build Dmg Or Tank Build
  2. Gnar Build Lol
  3. Gnar Jungle Build

Gnar build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s9, s8 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate. League of Legends. GAME STATS PUBG Overwatch Fortnite Rainbow Six. May 13, 2015  What are the best builds for Gnar? And if you have another tank on your team adn you can afford getting dmg i dont see it a bad item. Gnar doesn't need damage items; his base damage in mega form is insane and in mini form his W lets him duel tanks and carries alike.

Tank Gnar I usually go full tank with merc treads along with LW as my last item. Early game Gnar is a beast whatever build he goes, at level 6 he can go from a gold deficit and get back in the lead simply because there is no champion other than maybe Darius that can duel him as Mega Gnar, and even then it's hard for Darius due to Gnar's 2.75s. Recently Gnar has been seeing some play in the LCS which has put him into my mind, is he back? Today we find out playing Vs a Renekton in our Diamond 3 Promo Series. League of Legends Gnar Top. Oct 16, 2014  Gnar: full tank or bruiser? You got an awesome kiting and damage, build trinity force + botrk then tanky +0. Comment below rating threshold, click here to show it. CloppyFawk Senior Member. Not a gnar player but when I see pro players play him they tend to go double dorans tank. Are you the onley viable tank? It may be wise.

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Gnar Build Dmg Or Tank Build


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