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'how Many Times Was \'you Still Take Dmg\' Said In Yu-gi-oh'

'how Many Times Was \'you Still Take Dmg\' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Average ratng: 5,7/10 5825 reviews
  1. 'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Terms
  2. 'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' World
  3. 'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Life
  4. 'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Movie
  5. 'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' 2017
  6. 'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Bible

A/N: Hello, minna-san! Thank everyone that had reviewed for this story. Today's chapter, I will reveal some constant skills of Legion that is unlike other monsters.

Well, I guess let the story continue!

In yu gi oh duelist of the roses how many times can you use. How many roses say you like someone. But it's still considered bad luck by many to tattoo a dead rose as that is supposed to make. I know my Yu-Gi-Oh games very well and I was happy to talk to them. If you want to talk about any Yu-Gi-Oh games, head over to the message boards for the current games (WCT 10 and TF4). There are many people who are glad to teach and talk about Yu-Gi-Oh. As the saying goes: the more the merrier!

LDS control centre

After sending the trio in search for the unknown, Reiji returned to his place in the control centre to observe the situation in Maiami City. Right now his mind is focusing about the unknown that recently appeared in his city. Those three that he sent were no doubt strong duelists, however he didn't know what the unknown is capable of.

Suddenly the sound of alarm signal rang, which cause Reiji to narrow his eyes while staring at the screen.

'We just found a very powerful summon energy in the east of the city, sir!' one of the girl that is navigating the system report to Reiji.

Reiji glanced at the girl and asked. 'What is the summoning method?'

Not to try and confuse you further, but yes, you definitely can change it back to FAT32 afterwards. As with any other format change, it will require erasing the disk and reformatting it, but so long as you don't mind that, you can reformat as many times as you want. Basically, nothing that's being suggested here is permanent or irreversible. Another good thing, even though they're not fire are Des Koala's (cuz they help) and Chain Strike's cuz you're running so many traps. If you do decide to lower the trap count, an easy thing to do is just drop in 3 Nightmare's Steelcage cuz they go so damn good with Solar Flare. Even if Yugi Moto himself walked up to you and said that the true price of Card A is $5, a number calculated from omnipotent knowledge of how many copies of the card are in existence (and each copy's condition) and the exact need for the card within the greater Yu-Gi-Oh! Community, you would still find that the true price of a card is largely.

The girl check out her screen before reported to her superior. 'It's Ritual Summon, sir!'

Reiji's eyes narrowed once again while he muttered. 'Ritual, you say?'

'Hai! There is a possibility that one of our students has found an unknown and is dueling him'

'What is going on here?' muttered Reiji and adjusting his glasses.

Mac install dmg folder. Sep 21, 2007  Enough explanation, here’s how to install an OS X app from a DMG file: Find the downloaded file, which usually ends up in your Desktop or Downloads folder. Double-click the.DMG file to mount it. A new Finder window showing its contents should appear.

With the duel

The unknown has a very amused smirk on his face at his opponent's reaction to his Legion. However he intend to finish the duel this turn, so he continue with his action.

'I see that you was really shocked seeing Legion for the first time. However, I must continue with my turn' stated the unknown and then looked at his Legion on the field.'The skill of Legion is that Percival will gain attack equal to the level of the Mate Monster x100'

Aglovale looked at Percival with a smirk and then both began to glow and Percival's power increase.


ATK: 2900
DEF: 2000

'WHAT?' Yaiba shouted out in shock. He had never seen anything like this before.

'That's not all, shorty!' exclaimed the unknown with the smirk. 'When Percival stands in Legion, he also gains a skill. I look up for the 4 cards on the top of my deck then choose 1 Liberator amongst them and Special Summon it, the rest will go back to the bottom of the deck'

how Many Times Was \

'You must be kidding!' exclaimed Yaiba in shock once again.

'Of course not, my friend' replied the unknown casually, then he picked 4 cards from the top of his deck and looked at them. His mouth turns to a smirk. He revealed the card and said. 'This is the card that I choose to Special Summon!'

The card that was revealed was 'Taciturn Liberator, Brennius' that has a power of 2300.

Taciturn Liberator, Brennius/ Lv 6 / Effect Monster

ATK: 2300
DEF: 800

'So what if you managed to summon one more weakling! Even that Legion of yours have a power lower than my Gottoms! And even if you somehow managed to defeat my monsters, I will still have some LP left' retort Yaiba a bit unsure.

'Are you sure?' The smirk on unknown's face still remained.

Yaiba just narrowed his eyes in suspicion. What did that punk mean by that expression? Maybe he is just bluffing.

Suddenly Brennius look at Percival and grinned, the later just nodded his head with a grateful smile.


ATK: 2900+2300=5200

'N-NANI?! What heck? Explain!' Yaiba exclaimed in complete shock at unexpected power up then demand for his opponent to explain.

The unknown couldn't hold on anymore and laugh loudly. 'Hahaha! You should've seen your face, dude! Percival's power when Legion is not just Special Summoned a Monster, but he will also gained the attack points of the Special Summoned monster!'

'Such effect..' Yaiba was about to complain, but he couldn't find anything to say.

'This is the end! Battle! Take it! Percival & Aglovale, Legion attack!' shouted out the unknown.

Yaiba gritted his teeth as he didn't has any set cards to protect his monsters or stop the battle.

'However even if you destroy Souza, I will still have 300 LP left! Nothing is over until my LP reach zero!' retort Yaiba loudly.

'Nope! As I said this turn I will end this duel' exclaimed the unknown then took out a card from his hand and activated it. 'Quick-play Spell, Liberator's Blazing Strike. This turn if Liberator Monster destroys an opponent monster by battle, I can inflict 300 Dmg to him!'

'No!' Yaiba shouted out in horror.

'Go, Percival & Aglovale! Bring judgment to that sinful warrior' ordered the unknown while point his finger at Souza.

Both Percival and Aglovale jumped up high then crossed their blazing blades in mid air and shot out a blast of blue flames at Souza. Souza shouted out in agony and was dispersed in the scorching blue flames of Heaven.

5200-2500= 2700 Dmg
Yaiba: 3000- 2700= 300 LP

'Here goes Liberator's Blazing Strike effect!'

300-300= 0
Yaiba: 300-300= 0 LP

'That's a game! How do you like a taste of blue flames of Heaven, eh?' exclaimed the unknown with a V sign.

Yaiba fell to his knees in shock and disbelief. He, the ace of Synchro course, was defeated so easily like that.

The unknown still grinning and said. 'Well, I could at least show my opponent, my face. Though I am sure you may found it familiar to you'

After the unknown said that, he took off his visors and revealed his face to Yaiba.

Seeing a familiar face, Yaiba gasped in shock and surprised while muttered. 'S-Sakaki Yuya!'

Indeed the unknown has a face exactly like Yuya, but his eyes were different colors, not to mention they are heterochromic.

The unknown just chuckled and refute. 'See? I was right! But actually I am not that Yuya person, we may look like each other, but I assure you that I am not him. I am Yuusha by the way. Thanks for the duel, I need to go now'

The now Yuusha stated and run away leaving Yaiba with his thought.

'Yuusha?' Yaiba is still in daze and didn't notice that his opponent had long since ran away.

When he snapped out of his thought. It was already too late.

'Ahhh! I've lost him! Since when did he disappear!' Yaiba shouted out in panic and looked around frantically.

Suddenly he heard some called out to him from behind.

'Yaiba!' It was Masumi and along with her is Hokuto.

'Masumi! Hokuto! How did you guys find me?' wondered Yaiba and slowly stood up from the ground.

'We were told by Reiji-san to come here immediately' explained Hokuto. 'So did you really duel that unknown duelist?'

'Yeah' nodded Yaiba bitterly due to his defeat.

'Did you beat him? Where is he now?' asked Masumi.

'I-I uhm..' Yaiba was hesitant to tell his friends about his defeat, but still decided to confess. 'He had defeated me'

'What? He is that strong?' exclaimed Masumi in surprise. She knew that her friend is a very strong duelist that has mastered Synchro Summon like no other. To think that some no name duelist had defeated him..

'What type of summon did he use?' asked Hokuto curiously.

Yaiba looked at Masumi then at Hokuto and replied, after a pause. 'He used Ritual Summon. However that's not all! From what he told me, his Ritual Summon has evolved to something more'

'Something more? What do you mean?' asked Hokuto curiously.

Yaiba recalled the moment when Yuusha performed Legion and stated. 'He called that Legion. The condition for it, is to have 4 Monster cards in the graveyard. To perform Legion, he returned them back to the bottom of the deck and then link it with Mate Monster. Legion will have the attack of the base monster plus the level of Mate Monster x100'

'Wait! What is Mate Monster?' This time Masumi was the one that decided to ask.

'Mate Monsters are nearly like Pendulum Monsters. When they will be defeated, they won't be send to graveyard, but will go to Extra deck instead. Mate Monsters are the special kind of monsters to perform Legion and link with the base monster' explained Yaiba.

'Legion..' Both his teammates muttered while Yaiba also wandered if he could met with Yuusha again to have a rematch. He decided to keep silent about the fact that Yuusha look exactly like Yuya. He can be Yuya's lost twin maybe. Tomorrow he will ask Yuya about in tomorrow's match.

Time skip
With Yuusha

After escaping from Yaiba, Yuusha wandered around the city again. However this time he avoid the cameras which were hanged nearly all around the city.

'Hmm, let's first visit the LDS first. I may find some clue about Academia' muttered Yuusha to himself. Suddenly his eyes widened as he realized something. 'Ahh! If I am not mistaken then that shorty was from LDS! I should've asked him about his school!'

'Tch, OK whatever, I will just find information on my own' scoffed Yuusha and headed to the direction of LDS.


Yuusha used his stealth to sneak in the school ground easily. However what he didn't expect is to find one more person, that didn't wear LDS uniform.

The person wore a black cloak and dark green shirt. He has a spiky hair style that is sweep upwards to the right side of his face. The hair is black at the back and light purple at the front. Yuusha couldn't see his face due to the face-mask that only revealed his gray eyes.

The masked figures noticed Yuusha and turned to face him while narrowing his eyes.

'Who are you? What are you doing here?' demanded Yuusha. The masked duelist couldn't see his face because Yuusha has worn his vizors back.

'I could ask the same for you. Why are you here?' countered the mask duelist.

'Sorry, but I can't tell you the reason for my presence here' refute Yuusha with a shake of his head.

The masked duelist narrowed his eyes and activated his duel disk. 'Then I will just have to beat the answer out of you!'

Yuusha sighed and muttered. 'Dueling, again?'. Then he looked at his opponent and smirked. 'Guess I don't have a choice'

Yuusha also activated his duel disk and both duelist shouted out.

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Terms


Yuusha: 4000 LP
Mask duelist: 4000 LP

Both duelists drew 5 cards and looked at their hand.

'I will go first' stated the mask duelist. 'My turn. I summon Phantom Knights, Dusty Robe'

Phantom Knights, Dusty Robe/ Lv 3/ Effect Monster

ATK: 800
DEF: 1000

A small monster that wears a dark robe and revealed only its eyes with glowing face appeared on the field.

The mask duelist then revealed a monster in his hand and said. 'When I have Lv 3 'Phantom Knights' monster on the field, I can Special Summon this monster to the field. Come! Phantom Knights, Silent Boots!'

Phantom Knights, Silent Boots/ Lv 3 / Effect Monster

ATK: 200
DEF: 1200

A monster a bit taller than Dusty Robe appeared on the field next to the later one. Like Dusty Robe, it also wore dark clothes and have a photon shining face.

Yuusha looked at the field analytically and deduced. '2 level 3 monsters on the field.. Could it be..?!'

The mask duelist's next action confirmed Yuusha's deduction. 'I will overlay Lv 3 Dusty Robe and Silent Boots. Souls of warriors fallen on the battlefield, revive now become the light to rend the darkness. Xyz summon! Appear now! Rank 3, Phantom Knights, Break Sword!'

Phantom Knights, Break Sword/ Rank 3 / Xyz monster

ATK: 2000
DEF: 1000

A headless monster, that looks like the fusion of a knight and a horse appeared on the field. While he was headless, you could still see a turquoise aura from the neck to both hands. The headless knight also held a broken sword.

'As I thought' muttered Yuusha with an excite smirk.

'I set one card face-down. Turn end!' declared the mask duelist after setting a card. 'Now let's see what you are capable of '

'My turn! Draw!' Yuusha drew a card and then looked at his hand. 'Let's go all out from the beginning then! I activate Spell card, Legion trick!'

'Legion trick?' wondered the mask duelist.

'This card let me to mill 4 cards from the top of my deck and then to draw 2 cards' explained Yuusha then picked the top 4 cards from his deck and look at them. He smirked then showed the 4 cards that he will send to the grave. They were all monster cards: Bruno, Epona, Faron and Maron.

'Why did he suddenly send 4 monster cards to the grave?' the mask duelist was completely confused about Yuusha's action.

'And then I will draw 2 cards' stated Yuusha and drew 2 cards. Then Yuusha revealed a spell card in his hand and play it. 'I activate Ritual Spell, Heaven's Flame Warrior Call. This spell allowed me to Ritual Summon Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival by releasing monsters or monster from my hand that total level is 6 or more. I will release Liberator, Lawful Trumpeter to Ritual Summon Percival!'

Yuusha sent Lawful Trumpeter to his grave and a huge pillar of blue flames appeared on the field. Yuusha began to chant. 'The mighty warrior that hold the power of sacred flame. Burn my enemies to crisp with your blazing holy blade! Appear before us! Level 6! Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival!'

Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival / Lv 6 / Ritual Monster

ATK: 2400
DEF: 2000

'Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival? I've never seen a monster like that before. Furthermore this duelist used Ritual Summon' concluded the mask duelist.

'Battle! Percival, attack Break Sword!' Yuusha ordered for his knight to attack.

Percival rushed at Break Sword and was about to cleave it in half, however the mask duelist took action. 'Reverse card, open! Phantom Soul Chain! This card activates when my monster was target for attack. With this card effect your monster won't be able to attack until the end of your next turn'

The glowing turquoise chain that came out of the mask duelist trap card, chained Percival and prevent him from attacking Break Sword.

Yuusha expected something like that may happen so he just set two cards face down. 'I set two cards face down. Turn end'

'My turn!' exclaimed the mask duelist and drew a card. 'I summon Phantom Knights, Violent Hat in defense mode'

Phantom Knights, Violent Hat /Lv 3/ Effect Monster

ATK: 400
DEF: 1500

The newly summoned monster also looks like Silent Boots, but on its head is a very weird hat that has a scary face like a pumpkin on Halloween.

'This card will allow me once per turn to lower the attack of one monster on the field in half until the end of the turn! I will half the attack of Percival in half' the mask duelist shouted out.

Violent Hat shot out a beam from the eyes on his hat, which also glow in turquoise color, at Percival and half his attack points.

Percival grunt as he felt himself weakened.

Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival

ATK: 2400/2= 1200

'Battle! Break Sword, attack Percival!' the mask duelist ordered for his monster to attack.

Break Sword rushed at Percival and destroyed him with a single strike.

'Grugh!' grunt Yuusha and covered his face with his right hand.

2000-1200= 800 Dmg

Yuusha: 4000-800= 3200 LP

'I activate Trap card, Samsara Flame! This card can be activated when a Fire Attribute monster is destroyed by the opponent. This will allow me to Special Summon the destroyed monster to the field. Come back! Percival!' countered Yuusha.

The trap card released a mint color flame and Percival was revived from it.

'Not bad' complimented the mask duel. 'Then I will set a card face-down and end my turn'

'It's my turn!' Yuusha drew a card then put it in his left hand. 'Here goes something new'. After Yuusha said that he put his palm on top of Percival card and exclaimed. 'Percival! Seek the mate!'

Percival raised his sword to the sky and released a golden stream upwards. Four monster cards from Yuusha's grave also return to the bottom of his deck. Suddenly a card flew out of Yuusha's deck to his hand which shocked his opponent greatly.

'You, who received the power of Heaven's flame. Line up here! Liberator of Oath, Aglovale. Legion!'


ATK: 2900

The mask duelist was speechless when he saw Yuusha linked Aglovale with Percival.

'W-what the heck is this? Two cards link together?' wondered the mask duelist.

'That's right! This is the true power of Ritual Summon, Legion! You are undoubtedly seeing this power for the first time. So let me demonstrate it!' exclaimed Yuusha with a cocky grin.

'True power of Ritual Summon? Legion?' repeated the mask duelist.

'Yes! Percival's Legion effect activates! When this card stands in Legion, I can look at the top 4 cards of my deck and choose 1 Liberator amongst them and Special Summon it. Also Percival's attack points will be raised by the attack of Special Summoned monster until the end of this turn'

'Also as Percival is in Legion, he will receive 500 attack from the Mate monster'

'NANI!' The mask duelist widened his eyes under his mask in utter shock

Yuusha picked 4 cards from his deck and chose one. 'With Percival's effect, I will Special Summon Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus in defense mode'

Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus /Lv 4 / Effect Monster

ATK: 1300
DEF: 200

'Also Percival's power will increase by Josephus attack points!' stated Yuusha


ATK: 2900+1300= 4200

'Attack of 4200?!' exclaimed the mask duelist incredulously.

'Battle! Percival & Aglovale, Legion attack! Return the dead one to his rightful place!' shouted out Yuusha and ordered for his Legion to attack.

Percival & Aglovale crossed their blazing blades and shot out a powerful stream of blue flame at Break Sword and obliterated it.

'Now take 2200 Dmg!'

'Woah!' shouted out the mask duelist as his monster was destroyed.

4200-2000= 2200 Dmg
Masked duelist: 4000-2200= 1800 LP

'But when Break Sword is destroyed, I can Special Summon the materials that used to summon it as Lv 4 monster. Be revived. Dusty Robe! Silent Boots' countered the mask duelist and revived his monsters.

Phantom Knights, Dusty Robe/Lv 4

ATK: 800

Phantom Knights, Silent Boots/Lv 4

ATK: 200

'Phantom Knights won't ever fall no matter how many times you defeat them they will return again and again!'

Yuusha just smirk amusedly and stated. 'With this I will end my turn'

'My turn then!' stated the mask duelist and drew a card. He put it in his other hand and continued with his action. 'Lv 4 Dusty Robe and Silent Boots, overlay! Fangs of pitch black darkness, rise up against the foolish oppression. Xyz Summon! Descent now! Come forth! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!'

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon/ Rank 4/ Xyz Monster

ATK: 2500
DEF: 2000

A dark dragon that has glowing yellow eyes and an edge at its chin appeared on the field.

'I activate Violent Hat's effect once again to half the attack of your Legion in half!' declared the mask duelist.

Violent Hat once again shot two beams at Legion from his hat and weakened them.


ATK: 2900/2= 1450

'Kuso!' cursed Yuusha seeing his Legion is being weakened once again

'Then I activate Dark Rebellion's effect. I use 1 overlay unit and target a level 5 or higher monster and half its attack points! Also Dark Rebellion will gain attack equal to the amount that had been half! Treason Discharge!'

Dark Rebellion released a lightning that enveloped Legion and weakened them even more, while Dark Rebellion's wings began to lit up with lighting.


ATK: 1450/2= 725

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

ATK: 2500+725=3225

'This is bad!' muttered Yusha nervously.

'Battle! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, destroy those pitiful knights! Revolt of the Lightning Disobey!' ordered the mask duelist.

Dark Rebellion roared and then charged at Legion with its wings and the edge on the chin lit up with lightning and struck both knights.

'Gurahh!' Yuusha screamed out in pain when Legion was stricken and was sent rolling to the ground

3225-725= 2500 Dmg
Yuusha: 3200-2500= 700 LP

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' World

'Now you've done it! However Legion also has 1 more amazing ability! Monsters that were in Legion can't be destroyed by battle!' countered Yuusha slowly stood up and glared at the mask duelist.

'I expected something like that to happen when I put my eyes on your Legion for the first time. Trap card, open! Phantom Break! If my monster couldn't destroy an opponent's monster by battle this turn, with this card effect I can destroy it and draw 1 card!' Countered the mask duelist this time and drew 1 card from the effect.

'Grr!' Yuusha gritted his teeth as his Legion is being destroyed. 'However Aglovale is a Mate Monster, that means he will be send to Extra deck instead!'

'At this moment, Dark Rebellion's attack will go back to normal. I set a card face down. Turn end' stated the mask duelist and set a card.

'My turn!' exclaimed Yuusha and drew a card. However unlike other draws, this time he felt some kind of shock wave through his body. But he was not the only one, the masked duelist also somehow felt that as well.

'W-what is this feeling?' wondered the mask duelist while holding his chest.

Yuusha looked at the card he drew and then look at Dark Rebellion. 'For some reason you are resonating with my dragon! I guess he also wants to fight you badly'. Yuusha then turned his gaze back to the card he drew and added. 'Isn't that right, aibou?'

The card that Yuusha is looking at is Blazing Core Ritual Dragon, the ace of his deck. Skype for business dmg file. It must be fate that these two meet each other.

A/N: Now is some information about Legion. Yes, monsters in Legion state won't be destroyed by battle, but because of that there can only be 1 Legion on the field and that condition can't be changed by any way. I know you guys wanted to see the appearance of Blazing Core badly, however that will be only in the next chapter.

Time for some cards revelation!


Phantom Knights, Violet Hat
Level: 3
Types: Effect Monster/Warrior
Attribute: Dark

ATK: 400
DEF: 1500

Once per turn you can target one monster on the field and half its attack points by the end of the turn.

You can banish this card from the grave and target one of your banished 'Phantom' cards and added it to hand.

Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus
Level: 4
Types: Effect Monster/ Warrior
Attribute: Earth

ATK: 1300
DEF: 200

When this card is been Special Summon on the field by the effect of 'Liberator' monster, you can lower this card's attack to 0 to draw 1 card from the deck.

On either players turn, you can banish this card to decrease 1 monster on your opponent's field by 700.

Liberator, Lawful Trumpeter
Level: 6
Types: Effect Monster/ Warrior
Attribute: Light

ATK: 1800
DEF: 2500

When you perform Legion, while this card is on the field, you can look at the top 3 cards and Special Summon 1 level 4 or 'Liberator' from your deck

If this card is being destroyed by battle you can return 1 Level 4 or lower 'Liberator' from your graveyard.

Taciturn Liberator, Brennius
Level: 6
Types: Effect Monster/ Warrior
Attribute: Fire

ATK: 2300
DEF: 800

When this card destroyed an opponent monster, you can inflict 300 Dmg to him. Also this card will gain 300 attacks when he managed to destroy a monster.

Spell cards:

Liberator's Blazing Strike
Type: Quick-play spell

When Liberator monster attacks, you can activate this spell. If that monster destroyed a monster by battle you can inflict 300 Dmg to your opponent. You can only use this spell effect once per turn

By sending another spell card except Liberator's Blazing Strike to your grave, you can return this card to your hand.

Legion trick
Type: Normal

By milling 4 cards from the top of your deck, you can draw 2 cards.

By milling 4 more cards, you can return this card to your hand. But you couldn't activate this card effect if you used this effect this turn.

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Life

Trap cards:

Phantom Soul Chain
Type: Normal

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Movie

When your opponent declared an attack, you can activated this card, if you do. You opponent attack will be negated this turn and he can't declare attack until the end of his next turn.

You can banish this card from you grave to change position of one of your opponent's monster.

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' 2017

Phantom Break
Type: Normal

'how Many Times Was 'you Still Take Dmg ' Said In Yu-gi-oh' Bible

If you couldn't destroy your opponent monster by battle this turn, you can activate this card. If you do destroy opponent's monster that hadn't been destroyed by battle and destroy it. If you managed to destroy a monster with this effect you can draw 1 card from your deck.

On your turn, you can remove this card from play and if you controlled Xyz monster, target 1 card on the field and destroy it. You can't use this effect the turn this card was sent to the graveyard.

Samsara Flame
Type: Normal

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If a Fire attribute monster was destroyed by battle this turn, you can Special Summon it from the grave.

You can banished this card from your grave to add 1 Fire attribute monster from your grave to your hand. You can only use this effect once per turn.