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Melee Phys Dmg Poe

Melee Phys Dmg Poe Average ratng: 7,3/10 1398 reviews
  1. Melee Damage Vs Physical Damage Poe
  2. Melee Physical Damage Support Path Of Exile
  3. Melee Phys Dmg Poe Walkthrough
  • HUGE damage boost for heavy strike (+20% more each, it translates into an extra dmg gem, like Melee Phys Dmg). HS jewels are designed in a way that you will use Melee Splash or switch to pure single target for max carnage (like VS and on contrary of DS or GH jewels for example).
  • POE 3.7 Ancestral Warchief Totems Berseker Build Ancestral Warchief Totem build is a very strong build choice for boss killer and Uber Elder & Shaper Farmer in the Legion expansion, as is one of the most robust budget-friendly Melee/Physical builds in Path of Exile and you can virtually swap to any other melee build if you get bored of it.
  • Try any melee skill you want, melee was revamped in 3.7 so just use what you feel like doing - Set up a 4 link Blade flurry for single target with melee phys dmg, conc effect, fortify. Use any 1 hand rare weapon with the most flat phys dmg on it. Crit/Attack speed don't matter much at this point though I hate slow weapons personally.

Witch PoE 3.8 Summon Ice Golem Elementalist High Damage Build (PC, PS4, Xbox) This Ice golem golemancer build was completed after a lot of testing in the early stage. You can hit 420k+ single ice golem dmg x6 +670k cyclone hit.

PoeCurrencyBuyDate: Nov/26/18 23:56:29Views: 5874

In this Path of Exile Video I go over the Support Gem, Melee Physical Damage, how it works, builds it is used with, and so forth. Since this is a tutorial video, please, if you see a new player. Jul 22, 2015  Melee Phys will increase the fire damage too, since their fire damage is a conversion from their physical damage. However, Minion Damage will also increase damage added by auras (Wrath and Anger, since Hatred already scales with physical damage) and it.

'The savage path is always swift and sure'

The Berserker is geared towards being in the heat of combat, with many of their skills requiring killing or being hit recently. These bonuses include damage, life leech, and warcry enhancements.

This build can do all Maps and Mods and have 8,7k armor with over 400 Life/s.

Quick Jump

Pros & Cons


  • + All Maps and Mods are easypeasy
  • + ~ 6k Life
  • + 8,7k armor -> 46% phys reduction
  • + 75% Chaos Res
  • + over 400 Life/s
  • + Physical can Shock
  • + Immune to Bleed
  • + Double Curse


  • - Still Totem Playstyle
  • - No Movement Gem

Skill Tree


We take the Berserker Class for most DMG

First we go to War Bringer because this will be our main heal skill
After that we take the Aspect of Carnage and with the next 2 points from the Merc/Uber Lab we take Rite of Ruin to get the double bonus from our Rage stacks (picking Rite of Ruin at last helps us doing a smoother Ulab run for ourself, because of the lower degen from 5%. After the Ulab and Rite of Ruin we have 10% degen at max Rage stacks).


This quest is given to you by Eramir in the Forest Encampment after you complete Through Sacred Ground or talk with any of the bandit leaders. There are three different bandit leaders. You can either side with one of them (and kill the other two) to get the respective reward or you can kill all of them to get the reward from Erami - from Gamepedia

Help Oak - He gives us all we need: Phys dmg/reduction and life reg


  • Major: Soul of Brine King
  • Minor: Soul of Abberath

Skill Tree

See The Section 'Leveling' and 'Expectations & POB'

Gears & Gems Setup


Abyssus gives us the most adds # - # physical dmg to attacks ingame

Low Budget

Gems: CWDT -> Immortal Call -> Increased Duration -> Stone Golem

High Budget

Gems: Shield Charge -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Culling Strike


Low Budget

The Great Old One's Ward is the best Physical attack dmg Shield. The Vix Lunaris is a good Quality of Life tradeoff with the 'Cannot be Frozen' and with the right corruption you can go up to a lvl 25er Herald of Purity and you dmg will be nearly the same. We take Hatred and the Purity Herald. The other slot is open for your choice. e.g. a Vaal Haste, or a Portal gem etc

Gems: Herald of Purity -> Hatred -> XXX

High Budget

The Tukohama's Fortress shield is way more expensive than the Great Old One's Ward, but u get nice Life, Totem DMG, +1 Totems(!!), 300 Armor per Totem (3 Totems = 900 Armor). The Blood Magic can be a downside, but we use it anyway so.. ;)

Gems: CWDT -> Immortal Call -> Increased Duration


The best and cheapest Armour for us is the Loreweave. This armour gives us a huge dps boost, some life and raises the max resistances up to 80% (and they are fix, wich means they cant go higher through flasks, but also cant go lower from map mods like -12% max res). The Belly of the Beast is good alternative with around ~ +700 life

Melee Damage Vs Physical Damage Poe

Gems: Ancestral Warchief, -> Melee Damage, -> Damage on Full Life, -> Increased Aoe (Concentrated Effect) -> Maim -> Faster Attacks

Melee Physical Damage Support Path Of Exile

Switch Increased Area to Conc Effect for Hard Bosses. You can switch Faster Attacks with Ruthless if you feel you have enough attack speed (wich is also a dmg increase)


The Facebreaker should be clear - if you can, get some with a Curse on hit corruption, Temporal Chains for defense or Elemental Weakness / Vulnerability for offence. Vulnerability is stronger at the beginning and Elemental Weakness is stronger with min-maxed gear/flasks. Instead of Vaal Lightning Trap you can also use a Vaal Cold Snap for a good and free Frenzy Charge generation.

Gems: Enduring Cry -> Increased Duration -> Blood Magic -> Vaal Lightning Trap(Vaal Cold Snap)


The Meginord is BIS. The Darkness Enthroned is a good upgrade from the Meginord (with the right jewels ofc). The Headhunter is best for Mapping as always (you get the Mods when your Totems kill a Rare)


Low Budget

The Atziri's Steps for Spell Dodge, Life and high armour (because iron reflexes: evasion = armour). Good Alternatives are the Redblade Tramplers or some rares with resistance, life and movementspeed (e.g. if you use the Bloodgrip Amulet). The Death's Door are way more expensive but give also good Quality of Life bonus with 'Cannot be inflicted with Bleeding'.

Gems: Shield Charge -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Blood MAgic

High Budget

Death's Door Boots is a good choice. Bleed Immunity, All Res, up to 40 STR and good Movement Speed. The only Downside is the 50% Increased Status Ailments Duration, wich can be easy compared with a Freeze Flask. Instead of Vaal Lightning Trap you can also use a Vaal Cold Snap for a good and free Frenzy Charge generation.

Gems: CWDT -> Stone Golem -> Vaal Lightning Trap(Vaal Cold Snap) -> Increased Duration

Rings & Amulet

Rings and Amulet with high adds # - # Physical damage to Attacks and all Resistance you need, because its the way for us to cap our Res (my are not bad but they should have a high liferoll too, Steel Rings are ofc the BIS). Another good Amulet is the Bloodgrip, wich provides nearly bleed immunity (good for the Labyrinth), ~100 life reg, good life roll and average phys dmg. Best in slot would be a Shaper/Elder Amulet with additional dmg mods.


The normal Jewels you need should have these Stats: %Max life -> Phys dmg -> Add phys dmg while holding a shield. Melee dmg, Increased dmg, Area dmg and Totem dmg are all at the same dmg level. You can also take some with Attack speed if you feel the need.

Your Abyss Jewels should have the highest Flat Physical Dmg roll as possible (max is 5-8) together with a good life roll (i prefer 35+). After that you have 1 open Prefix and 1 open Suffix on them for your prefered bonus.

But keep in mind that you have to take the projectile notes because you only get the bonus for UNALLOCATED notes


The first Flasks we need are a Bleed (if u dont use the Bloodgrip Amulet) and Freeze Immunity one (You can take a Life Flask for it. If you dont feel the need you can also pick a Basalt Flask for Defense or a Silver Flask for Offence). After that try to get the Lion's Roar (best dmg flask) and Taste of Hate (good defense and offence). Sin's Rebirth (good defense and offence and 3 (!!) uses) or the Atziri's Promise, wich is imo the little Brother compared to Sins' Rebirth



Melee Phys Dmg Poe

For DMG:

  • 40% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Damage
  • Ancestral Warchief Totem grants 30% increased Melee Damage while Active
  • 30% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
  • For Defense:
  • 30% increased Enduring Cry Cooldown Recovery Speed
  • 36% increased Enduring Cry Buff Effect
  • 30% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect
  • For Others:
  • 12% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Radius


For DMG:

Melee Phys Dmg Poe Walkthrough

  • 10% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite if you haven't Crit Recently (wich is BIS with additional 10% chance to shock)
  • For Defense:
  • Regenerate 2.0% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently
  • 8% chance to Dodge Spell Damage if you've taken Spell Damage Recently
  • 10% Chance to Dodge if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
  • For Others:
  • 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently


For Defense:

  • Cast Commandment of Reflection when Hit (because the clone takes some dmg for you)


Skill Tree

The most important thing is Resolute Technique. You can decide to pick Ancestral Bond as fast as you want. I picked the Jewel slots at the very end, BUT you can pick them asap if you get some juicy jewels you want put in

Note: These Parts are only for showing you they way through the Tree. Dont look at the Ascendancy or Bandits in here, they might be wrong/different from the main Build!


  • At lvl 1 take Ground Slam/Cleave/Molten Strike and the Ruthless gem.
  • At lvl 8 take Maim and take Additional Accuracy until u get the 'Resolute Technique' Note
  • At lvl 10 take Shield Charge for Movement (wich is also nice for lvling if you have some Facebreaker)
  • At lvl 12 Take Sunder instead of you lvl 1 gem until you have the Warchief Totem (note: you cant use sunder with facebreaker)
  • At lvl 16 take the Facebreaker. If you dont have some, pick a Rare/Unique 2Hand weapon with high physical Dmg (With Facebreaker i prefer lvling with Infernal Blow + Melee Splash/Ancestral Call and Shield Charge).
  • At lvl 18 take Faster Attacks, Melee Physical Damage, Melee Damage on Full Life and Concentrated Effect
  • At lvl 28 take Ancestral Warchief
  • At lvl 38 take increased Area of Effect

Expectations & POB

POB Links

  • Low Budged Tree lvl 92:
  • High Budged Tree lvl 93:

(If you do not know how to use it, see the instructions below, otherwise please ignore)

  • Download Path of Building (link:
  • Copy pastebin URL.
  • Launch path of building.
  • Click on Import/Export.
  • Click Import from Pastebin
  • Paste the URL copied in step 2.
  • Done!

Low Budged

Saving your data usage on downloads is always a good thing.RELATED: So How Do I Use DMG Files?Well, luckily macOS does an excellent job of making everything easy. All you really need to do is double-click the DMG file to open it and mount it to your Mac.The DMG mounts in two places: on your desktop and in the Finder sidebar under your hard drive. How to open .dmg files on windows.

Melee Phys Dmg Poe

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What is junkrats dmg type hots. Some of the most common of these services include web servers and, as well as servers for email, (DNS), (FTP) and (VoIP).The systems running these services in the DMZ are reachable by and cybercriminals around the world and need to be hardened to withstand constant attack. Architecture of network DMZsThere are various ways to design a network with a DMZ. The term DMZ comes from the geographic buffer zone that was set up between North Korea and South Korea at the end of the Korean War. Any service provided to users on the public internet should be placed in the DMZ network.


POE 3.5 Templar Hierophant Starter Frostbolt Totems Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Fast Clear Speed, Easy, Cheap

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