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Ms2 Boss Dmg And Melee Dmg

Ms2 Boss Dmg And Melee Dmg Average ratng: 9,5/10 1650 reviews

Hello:) I wanna build a Warfare Spirit Character, thats using decaying. Of corruption or so weapons. I wanna use Vitality Damage because Sirit offers quite nice skills for that and its cool als often has integrated lifeleech so i hope it will be quite good defense wise too But how should i skill this toon, i already started him, hes lvl 19 and so far i skilled str dex 4-1 or 3-1 or so Bu i. Archimonde Boss Guide. Tanks pick up the adds and tank them on top of Boss for cleave dmg on adds. Important to Interrupt the Felmourne Overfiends when casting Heart of Argus, mostly melee duty. Maybe another dps that can handle melee dmg as backup, especially if a tank is in the Nether still. Jun 28, 2016  - Can be stunlocked, no defense against it - Several special abilities that drain mp, str and removes dodge - Enemies can just run away from you, since the NPCs always magically have mp left - Melee weapons take huge amounts of AP for ♥♥♥♥♥♥ dmg.

Stat Description Gear Score: This is the sum of all Gear Score values from the gear your character currently has equipped. The Gear Score is a numerical representation of your equipment's power. This video has been in the making for a while, and we're proud to finally present it. This teamtage only features most of the 'original' members, while the n. Dec 06, 2018  bonus boss dmg- self explanatory. Melee dmg: melee dps elemental dmg: mage/ priest for holy dmg dark dmg: assassin. Defense - 3 Stars, a lot of players will take Defense for granted but there are certain content in MS2 that you will definitely need some defenses such as the Dark Descent. This would overall mitigate the damage taken in. Crit rate + crit dmg vs dmg + dmg.

Hi guys, with 3.7's melee update, cyclone builds are very popular this league. Most of the cyclone players are using swords or axes, as a result, these endgame weapons are now pretty expensive and are somewhat hard to acquire.
Given how staves are still cheap this league, this build manages to be budget-friendly yet endgame viable. Can be used as a league starter.
Why use Staff? (besides being cost-efficient)
Because I can't afford Starforge. Staff has some very good crit nodes in the top-left side of the tree, with Slayer's new ascendancy Overwhelm, staves that only has 5% base crit chance will still crit very well. This also makes Disintegrator a very decent endgame weapon.
Another minor upside is endurance charges, with reliable melee crit chance, we can maintain 3 charges while mapping and bossing, extra tankiness.

Pure Phys - Impale Chance & Effect
With this build we'll get 90% impale chance and 78% increased impale effect from Imaple Support, Dread Banner and Swift Skewering. This makes a impale record around 18% phys dmg per stack, offering a multiplier close to 80% more.
Some math
(1+17.8%*5)*90% + 1*10% = 1.80
Realistically, it's will be lower since you won't have full stacks in the initial hits, and will not be able to expire all stacks before killing a boss.

1. Pros & Cons
2. Viability (with videos)
3. Passive Tree
4. Links
5. Gear & Stats
6. FAQ
Pros & Cons
+ Endgame weapon is budget friendly
+ High single target damage with impale mechanics and slayer cull
+ Good for delving
+ Dodge without stop attacking
+ Tanky, 170% increased life, 40~50% physical dmg reduction while channeling
+ Can be a league starter

- Need some stats (int/dex) on gear
- Not using Brutal Fervour
- Mana issue need specific mana related mods on gear

☑ All Map Mods - No dead mods, but 'no leech' is dangerous
☑ Uber Lab
☑ Atziri/Uber Atziri
☑ Shaper
☑ Elder/Uber Elder

Shaper (deathless)
UberElder (deathless)
Uber Atziri
Shaper (using Hegemony without Watcher's Eye, 2nd phase 5link)
Uber Elder (using Disintegrator without Watcher's Eye)


Bandits - Kill All
Passive Tree Overview
Path of Building (Lv.90 passive tree with my current gear; also include Lv30/60 leveling trees)
Some of the effects aren't included in the PoB calculation, hence added a custom Jewel above Resolute Technique to calculate actual DPS.

Slayer Ascendancy Order
Overwhelm is good for staves that don't have the increase crit% mod, you can take other ascendancies if you are using a Hegemony's Era.

Major Gods - Soul of Lunaris
Minor Gods - Soul of Gruthkul


Cyclone Links (In Chest or Weapon)
Cyclone + Impale + Brutality + Infused Channeling + Melee Phys. + Fortify
(can be 7linked with Shaper/Elder weapons or Maim supported chest)
CwDT Setups
CwDT + Orb of Storms + Power Charge on Critical + Purifying Flame
CwDT + Blade Vortex + Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark
1. Purifying Flame creates consecrated ground which can help increase crit% against bosses if triggered. (Optional)
2. CwDT BV setup can be ignored if you have Curse on Hit rings or gloves.
3. If you have free slots, you can consider fossil crafting abyssal jewel sockets onto your gear to upgrade your character furthermore.

Flesh and Stone + Maim
Blood and Sand, Dread Banner, Precision, Blood Rage, Molten Shell
Ancestral Protector or Vaal Ancestral Warchief
Movement Skills
Leap Slam, Dash

Gear & Stats
For endgame, try getting a 550+DPS Eclipse Staff.
Hegemony's Era and Disintegrator are decent and cost-efficient choices.

Mod Priority: Life > Ele Res. > Stats
Later on, you can fossil craft a chest with mana reduction and/or Maim supported mod.
Decent uniques: Belly of the Beast, Carcass Jack

Mod Priority: Life / Ele Res.
Decent uniques: Starkonja

Mod Priority: Atk Speed / Flat Phys > Life / Ele Res.
Mana issue can be solved with 'leech as mana' mod.

Mod Priority: Movement Speed > Life / Ele Res.

Belt - Perseverance

With Fortify as our 6th link, we can have perma onslaught using Perseverance. The movement speed bonus via onslaught is very good for cyclone builds, also makes our gameplay a smoother. Can use a rare Stygian belt or The Tactician instead.

Mod Priority: Crit Multi > Life / Crit% > Stats
Try get a Turquoise or Onyx base to compensate for the lack of Int/Dex
Craft Options: +1 Minimum Frenzy / Melee range & dmg

Mod Priority: Ele Res. > Life > Flat Phys
Craft Options: +1 Minimum Frenzy / Melee range & dmg
Mana issue can be solved with 'leech as mana' mod.

Unique Flasks - Lion's Roar & Rotgut
Mod Priority: %Life / Crit Multi > damage modifiers
Decent Uniques: Watcher's Eye (Precision) / Timeless Jewels


6L Cyclone with a 576DPS Eclipse Staff, Shaper Dmg over 2M+ without flasks.
5L Cyclone with Hegemony's Era, Shaper Dmg around 1.3M without flasks.

Last edited by peterfang93 on Jun 28, 2019, 11:22:21 AM
Posted by
on Jun 19, 2019, 7:11:52 PM
Because I can't afford Starforge

Touché lol I like the build might give it a try this weekend!
Posted by
on Jun 27, 2019, 3:02:57 AM
Really enjoying this build.
Thanks for the guide.
My progess PoB:
On a 5L without Impale: ~380k shaper dps without anything ticked in config.
Decent AoE using 5L carcassjack
Posted by
on Jun 28, 2019, 3:28:05 AM

Ms2 Boss Dmg And Melee Dmg Free

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